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Найдите оптимальный вариант

  • Free

    Up to 10 applications per day
    Действует 1 неделю
    • Automatic Apply
  • Premium Silver

    Каждую неделю
    Up to 30 applications per day
    • Automatic Apply
    • AI-Resume Booster
  • Premium Platinum

    Каждую неделю
    Up to 50 applications per day.
    • Automatic Apply
    • AI Resume Booster
    • AI Cover Generator
  • Premium Gold

    Каждую неделю
    Up to 100 applications per day
    • Automatic Apply
    • AI Resume Booster
    • AI Cover Generator
    • AI Interview Manager

Automatic Apply

- Streamline the job application process, saving users time and effort with the help of the Automatic Application Sending service, which allows for quick, hassle-free applications to multiple job openings.

- Applying on behalf of the candidate, thus eliminate the need for manual applications and minimize time wastage, making job seeking more efficient and user-friendly.

AI-Resume Booster

- Receive customized resumes that perfectly match job requirements, increasing your chances of passing initial screenings.

- Benefit from keyword optimization to ensure your resume stands out to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers.

AI-Cover Generator

- Get personalized cover letters tailored to each job application, effectively showcasing your qualifications and motivation.

- Clearly communicate your skills and experiences, making a compelling case for why you're the ideal candidate for the role.

AI-Interview Manager

- Automatically analyse emails and organise personal calendar with interview appointments, eliminating the stress of coordinating time slots manually and avoiding appointments conflict.

- Confirm recruiter Invite based on your calendar availability, receive automated interview reminders, helping you prepare effectively and ensuring you arrive on time for interviews.

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